This Chicago native has been grinding non-stop! We first noticed him from his "Oasis" mixtape with features from Adot, Solo, and production from Luke Almighty and more. Freako has often worked with Illinois based producer Luke Almighty and Machobeatz. Freako even appears on Luke Almighty's newest EP "After Thoughts". Freako also has a collaboration project with Luke called "ADHD". Luke is the one who published Freako's EP "RUSH HOUR" on Soundcloud right before Freako's latest mixtape "Des Mauvaises Pensées". Freako definitely has a unique sound. His sound is full of hard beats with almost a monotone style of rapping. He is definitely distinguishable from other Chicago artists. We'll definitely keep an eye on this artist as we hope to see more content from him. He can be found on all music platforms!