Meet OTN Bam, otherwise known as Bam. This Rockford native has been making music for 2 years now. He definitely makes street music that's serious heat. His first tape was "5 A.M. In Rockford". It's full of dope beats and great bars. He then came out with a melodic track called "How You Feel" and it did numbers! His second tape was "No Expectations" which had his single "On Me" which has over 7,500 plays! This tape was more melodic and definitely catchy with a better sound than his first tape. His third tape was "No Pressure" where he revisits rapping bars, which can be heard on his single "Stain" from the tape, but this time with a love and deeper feel to the tape as well. His latest tape was "EYEZ on the PRIZE" which only has 5 songs. This EP was definitely catchy and its biggest song is "Hopped In". This artist has progressed so much with lyrical content since his first tape, not to mention each tape sounds better and better in quality. Trying a new style, he dropped "Gold Wrappers" which has a drill beat feel to it which definitely wants to make you turn up! His music can be found on all music platforms. Bam's newest tape will come out soon and it's called "On The Way". We are eager to hear it as we are sure it will be nothing but heat!
